Saturday, 23 February 2019

Tableau - X

This will be the last post on questions for Tableau Certification. In all, there are a total of 150 questions across 10 posts. I am pleased to inform that I have completed the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification. The best part about this certification is that it has no expiry

Like in last 9 posts, the questions in this article are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist accreditation that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. However, these questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

Answers to previous post are given below:

121. a,b
122. b,c,d
123. a,b,c,d
124. a,c,d
125. d
126. a
127. b
128. a,c
129. d
130. b,c
131. a,d
132. b
133. a,c,d
134. b
135. a

The last batch of questions are below:

136. Legend highlighting can be used to to draw users' attention on specific marks in a view

a) True
b) False

137. Two modes of highlighting are

a) Default highlighting
b) One-way highlighting
c) Two-way highlighting
d) Three-way highlighting

138. The steps to creating a visual group does not involve: (Choose all that apply)

a) Click on paperclip icon
b) Select marks in view
c) Click View Data icon in Data Pane
d) Describe Sheet... using Worksheet menu

139. Continuous fields in below list are: (Choose all that apply)

a) 1970
b) June
c) Q3
d) Week 1, 2013

140. Size property on Marks card gives the user to control size of Shapes in view

a) True
b) False

141. Multiple copies of same dashboard suited to each device have to be created for viewing on different mobile devices:

a) True
b) False

142. Multiple URLs of same dashboard have to be created for viewing on different mobile devices:

a) True
b) False

143. Parameters are constant values that can replace variable values in calculations, filters, and reference lines or bands

a) True
b) False

144. It is not possible to prefix a currency field with a custom currency notation like EUR in a sheet

a) True
b) False

For all the below questions, use data file:

145. With the available data, the Manager contributing to maximum returns is:

a) Chris
b) Erin
c) Sam
d) William

146. With the available data, the percentage of returned orders is

a) 2.51%
b) 0.24%
c) 1.04%
d) 3.45%

147. The combination of Dimensions: Region, Product Category, and Product Sub-Category that contributed to 5th highest sales for the entire period is:

a) East, Technology, Telephones and Communication
b) Central, Technology, Telephones and Communication
c) East, Furniture, Chairs & Chairmats
d) West, Technology, Telephones and Communication

148. Create a sheet with States versus Sales showing the lowest 5 states by Sales and another sheet with States versus Product Base Margin. Then, create a dashboard with both these sheets. The state having third largest Sales has ______ largest Product Base Margin

a) first
b) second
c) third
d) fourth

149. Two states that are diametrically opposite to each other but having the top sales are: (Choose all that apply)

a) Texas and Washington
b) Florida and Washington
c) New York and California
d) California and New York

150. The least quantity has been ordered by:

a) Michigan
b) Wyoming
c) Delaware
d) North Dakota

The answers to above questions are below:

136. a
137. b,c
138. c,d
139. a,d
140. a
141. b
142. b
143. b
144. b
145. d
146. c
147. a
148. b
149. c,d
150. c

This concludes the last of this series

Wishing All Luck for Tableau Certification!!!

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Tableau - IX

The questions in this article and series of posts are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist accreditation that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. However, these questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

Answers to previous post are given below:

106. a
107. b
108. b,c
109. a,b,c
110. d
111. a,d
112. a,b,c,d
113. a,c,d
114. d
115. c
116. a
117. a,b,c,d
118. b
119. d
120. b,c,d

The next set of questions are below:

121. Which of the following are relevant to a measure: (Choose all that apply)

a) They are numeric and measurable quantitative values
b) They can either be discrete or continuous
c) They cannot be aggregated
d) They affect level of detail in view

122. Which of the following are relevant to a dimension:  (Choose all that apply)

a) They do not affect the level of detail in a view
b) They can either be discrete or continuous
c) They are qualitative in nature
d) They can be use to segment data

123. A date function like DATEDIFF can be used to calculate: (Choose all that apply)

a) Difference between two dates in terms of weeks
b) Difference between two dates in terms of days
c) Difference between two dates in terms of years
d) Difference between two dates in terms of months

124. A .tds datasource file contains information about: (Choose all that apply)

a) connection details
b) measures data
c) default field properties like formats, sort order, etc
d) sets, bins, groups, calculated fields

125. Which of the following can have aliases: (Choose all that apply)

a) Measure Values
b) Measures
c) Date Field
d) Discrete Dimension
e) Number of Records

126. It is possible to print a workbook as PDF

a) Yes
b) No

127. Adobe Acrobat should be installed for a view to printed as PDF

a) Yes
b) No

128. Which of the following is not a table calculation or is not obtained by a calculated expression: (Choose all that apply)

a) Percentile 50
b) Difference
c) Variance
d) Percentage of Cell

129. If we wish to see the percentage of each component in a stacked bar as a percentage, the computation has to be at the level of:

a) Table (across)
b) Table (down)
c) Table
d) Cell

130. Dropping the Number of Records on the Rows Shelf contributes to: (Choose all that apply)

a) 2 marks
b) The same number of Marks if Number of Records is dropped on the Column Shelf
c) 1 mark
d) 3 marks

131. If Tableau perceives that there is a field that can be assigned a Geographical role: (Choose all that apply)

a) It automatically adds Latitude and Longitude under Measures
b) It automatically adds Latitude and Longitude under Measures only if data is about states
c) It automatically adds Latitude and Longitude under Measures only if data contains cities
d) The Latitude and Longitude though not part of data are called Latitude (generated) and Longitude (generated)

132. While setting up a Filter, the result of  filter condition set up on General tab and Wildcard tab is equivalent to:

a) the filter conditions are acted upon by an or operator
b) the filter conditions are acted upon by an and operator
c) the filter conditions and acted upon by minus operator
d) the filter conditions are acted upon by an or followed by an or operator

133. It is possible to invoke external URLs from Dashboards in Tableau but: (Choose all that apply)

a) When a URL is called from a Web Page object embedded in a dashboard, the URL is rendered within the dashboard
b) When a URL is called from a Web Page object embedded in a dashboard, the URL is rendered in an external browser
c) When a URL is called from a Web Page object embedded in a dashboard, this object can be set up as a floating object
d) When a URL is called as part of action, the URL is rendered in an external browser

134. Continuous fields add headers to a sheet and discrete fields add axes to a sheet

a) Yes
b) No

135. Format Font can be used to format font on Worksheet, Pane, Header, etc

a) Yes
b) No

Answers in next post ...

Friday, 15 February 2019

Tableau - VIII

The questions in this article and series of posts are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist accreditation that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. However, these questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

Answers to previous post are given below:

91. d
92. a,c
93. a,b,c,d
94. c
95. b
96. a
97. d
98. b
99. d
100. a
101. b
102. a
103. b
104. d
105. c

The next set of question are given below:

106. Dimensions that are of type date can be discrete or continuous

a) True
b) False

107. Dimensions of type string or boolean can be continuous

a) True
b) False

108. Dimensions can be aggregated as: (Choose all that apply)

a) Sum
b) Count (Distinct)
c) Maximum
d) Median

109. The Summary Card can be invoked on a sheet by: (Choose all that apply)

a) Using Worksheet menu
b) Using Show/Hide Cards menu
c) Right Clicking on a sheet and selecting Summary
d) Using Analysis menu

110. The default number of properties on a Marks Card is:

a) 6
b) 4
c) 3
d) 5

111. A story can contain: (Choose all that apply)

a) Worksheets
b) Workbooks
c) Stories
d) Dashboards

112. One can navigate a story using: (Choose all that apply)

a) Caption boxes
b) Numbers
c) Dots
d) Arrows only

113. The device types supported by Tableau are: (Choose all that apply)

a) Desktop
b) Laptop
c) Tablet
d) Phone

114. The Phone Models supported by Tableau are: (Choose all that apply)

a) Motorola
b) LG
c) Google
d) Nexus

115. Rearrange Layout is an option that occurs under which device preview:

a) Laptop
b) Browser
c) Phone
d) Mobile

116. It is possible to create views that are phone-specific in Tableau

a) True
b) False

117. Tableau provides the author of a worksheet the capability to set fonts on: (Choose all that apply)

a) Title
b) Header
c) Tooltip
d) Pane

118. Tableau does not provide the feature to ________ a text in the font feature

a) underscore
b) strike through
c) italicize
d) bolding

119. Reversed, Border and Include Totals are associated with ______ property on Marks Card

a) Shape
b) Tooltip
c) Label
d) Color

120. Using Parameters, one can dynamically replace constant values in: (Choose all that apply)

a) Groups
b) Filters
c) Reference Bands
d) Calculations

Answers in next post ...

Friday, 8 February 2019

Tableau - VII

The questions in this article and series of posts are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist accreditation that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. However, these questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

Answers to previous post are given below:

76. d
77. a
78. c
79. b
80. b,d
81. c
82. a
83. c
84. b
85. d
86. a
87. c
88. b
89. d
90. c

The next batch of question are given below:

91. Which of the following is not a valid member of Marks card?

92. Context filters can be used to: (Choose all that apply)

a) improve performance
b) improve deployment across the enterprise
c) act as a dependent filter
d) help in testing of sheets

93. Which of the following are valid Dashboard actions? (Choose all that apply)

a) Highlight
b) Go to URL
c) Change Set Values
d) Filter

94. It is possible to disaggregate measures in Tableau by

a) Setting the data type of a measure to default
b) Using Replace References on Measure values
c) Using Aggregate Measures under Analysis
d) Setting Percentage Of to None under Analysis

For all the below questions, use data file:

95. The Profit Ratio for Corporate Segment for 2012 is

a) 0.1626
b) 0.1526
c) 0.2471
d) 0.1497

96. If we create a histogram of Sales showing the number of Sales using bin size $2500, the number of bins having a single member is

a) 7
b) 8
9) 9
d) 10

97. If we create a histogram of Sales showing the number of Sales using bin size $2000, the number of bins having 4 members is

a) 1
b) 2
9) 3
d) 4

98. If we create a histogram of Sales showing the number of Sales using bin size $2000, the number of bins having 2 members is

a) 1
b) 2
9) 3
d) 4

99. If we create a histogram of Sales showing the number of Sales using bin size $2000, the Profit of bins having second highest members is

a) 261964
b) 184938
9) 136243
d) 295579

100. Which customer contributed to maximum Sales in October 2010?

a) Nina Home Kelly
b) Luis Kerr
c) Penny Leach
d) Sally Liu

101. For Region South, the least profitable Product Sub-Category contributed to the highest Sales

a) True
b) False

102. For regions South and East put together, the least profitable Product Sub-Category contributed to the second highest Sales

a) True
b) False

103. What is the number of regions in which at least two Product Categories are above the Overall Average Profit?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

104. The Region having the second highest median of Quantity ordered new for the different Product Categories is

a) Central
b) West
c) South
d) East

105. The percentage of Sales of products ordered with High and Critical Priority for Customer Segments Home Office and Small Business is

a) 12.83
b) 15.95
c) 17.41
d) 16.93

All luck to solving ...

Monday, 4 February 2019

Tableau - VI

The questions in this article and series of posts are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist accreditation that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. These questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

Answers to previous post are given below:

61. b
62. d
63. a
64. b
65. b
66. d
67. c
68. a
69. b
70. a
71. c
72. a
73. a
74. a,c,d
75. a

The next set of question are given below:

76. Which of the following is not a keyword for calculation of LOD in Tableau?


77. Which of the following statements are false? (Choose all that apply)

a) .tde files are Tableau data extract files that can be refreshed
b) .tds files are Tableau data source files that has details of data source connection and calculated fields
c) .tdsx files are Tableau data source files that contain data as .tde files that can be refreshed
d) .tbm files are Tableau bookmark files that has details about individual worksheets

78. Which customer has the highest profit ratio based on below data?

Customer Order Id Sales
Marjorie Owens 90454 105.88
Stacey Davenport 68756 34.27
Arlene Lutz 45464 634
Rhonda Ivey 97655 54.65
Marjorie Owens 90452 27.76
Rhonda Ivey 97650 13.4
Stacey Davenport 68703 157.4
Arlene Lutz 45400 345.32

Profit Order Id
-2.54 68756
8.98 90454
63.98 45400
-1.67 97650
5.87 90452
-9.28 97655
-73.67 45464
23.53 68703

a) Stacey Davenport
b) Rhonda Ivey
c) Marjorie Owens
d) Arlene Lutz

79. Which customer has the lowest profit ratio based on above data?

a) Marjorie Owens
b) Rhonda Ivey
c) Arlene Lutz
d) Stacey Davenport

80. Which customers have a negative profit ratio based on above data? (Choose all that apply)

a) Stacey Davenport
b) Rhonda Ivey
c) Marjorie Owens
d) Arlene Lutz

81. The average of the profit ratios based on above data is

a) 0.1125
b) 0.1145
c) 0.0125
d) 0.0155

Use Sample data for all the following questions:

82. Which consecutive quarters had nearly the same volumes of shares?

a) Q4 2013 - Q1 2014
b) Q1 2012 - Q2 2012
c) Q3 2014 - Q4 2014
d) Q1 2013 - Q2 2013

83. The maximum variance of volumes is seen in

a) Q2 2011
b) Q4 2013
c) Q4 2014
d) Q4 2010

84. For Biogen Idec, which year saw the lowest volume of shares?

a) 2011
b) 2012
c) 2013
d) 2014

85. For the given data across all the years, Standard Deviation of volume is

a) 95546787
b) 65094763
c) 59605789
d) 62591026

86. For 2012, the difference between the maximum and minimum average Close price is

a) 138.00
b) 151.73
c) 126.85
d) 190.64

87. For January 2013, the average Low price for Biogen Idec is

a) 140.5
b) 151.3
c) 144.9
d) 136.7

88. For June 2014, the average High price for Amazon is 

a) 340.2
b) 328.3
c) 315.5
d) 321.9

89. Using cross tabulation for Company by year for the period 2010-14, representing Volume of  shares as a percentage of the total table shows the percentage for Amazon, Apple, and Biogen Idec for 2014 as?

a) 0.60, 9.58, 0.35
b) 0.98, 10.43, 0.45
c) 1.98, 10.50, 0.75
d) 0.68, 10.51, 0.24

90. For June 2011, the difference of Average High price and Average Low price for Amazon is

a) 5.292
b) 5.489
c) 5.919
d) 5.699

Answers in later posts ...