Friday 25 January 2019

Tableau - IV

The sample questions in this post and following posts in this series are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist credential that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. These questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

Answers to previous post are given below:

31. a,b
32. a,b
33. a,b,c,d
34. a
35. b
36. a
37. b
38. a,b,c,f
39. b
40. a
41. b
42. a,b,d,e
43. a
44. a
45. c

We continue with the next set of questions on Tableau in this post

46. Pie charts are best suited visualizations when:

a) there are a large number of slices
b) there is a large amount of data
c) there is a need to show a trend in data
d) there are fewer wedges

47. Based on the selection of dimensions and measures in Rows Shelf and Columns Shelf, it is possible to change the default visualization shown using the the Show Me on the tool bar

a) True
b) False

48. Maps are ideal visualizations to show:

a) Numerical data
b) Geocoded data
c) Aggregate data
d) Historical data

49. Maps, by themselves, are complete visualizations. It is not possible to overlay maps with Marks

a) True
b) False

50. Histograms are useful when:

a) comparing data across two or more categories
b) relating different segments of data to the complete data set
c) trying to understand distribution of data
d) showing the start and end dates of a process

51. The visualization appropriate for showing correlation between two variables is:

a) Pie Chart
b) Scatter Plot
c) Bullet Chart
d) Candlestick Chart

52. If one wishes to view data trends over time, one should use:

a) Bar Chart
b) Word Cloud
c) Treemap
d) Line Chart

53. If we wish to compare trends of two measures on different scales over the same dimension, we can use:

a) Dual Axis Chart
b) Pie Chart
c) Box-and-whisker Plot
d) Bullet Chart

54. Pareto Charts contain: (Choose all that qualify)

a) Wedge
b) Line
c) Bar
d) Whisker

55. Which of the following are variants of bar chart? (Choose all that qualify)

a) Stacked
b) Side-by-side
c) Grouped
d) Stacked Side-by-side

56. Cross Tabulation is synonymous with: (Choose all that qualify)

a) Text table
b) State table
c) Pivot table
d) Cross-tab

57. A Highlight table can be seen as an enhancement of: (Choose all that qualify)

a) Text table
b) Waterfall Chart
c) Lift Chart
d) Heatmap

58. With the help of Pages Shelf, we can split a view into a number of pages based on a specific field

a) True
b) False

59. The default mark type selected by Tableau for a newly created view is called Automatic:

a) True
b) False

60. Area chart is basically a:

a) Bump chart
b) Scatterplot
c) Waterfall Chart
d) Line chart

Answers in later posts ...