Thursday, 31 January 2019

Tableau - V

The questions in this article and following posts are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist credential that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. These questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

Answers to previous post are given below:

46. d
47. a
48. b
49. b
50. c
51. b
52. d
53. a
54. b,c
55. a,b,c,d
56. a,c,d
57. a,d
58. a
59. a
60. d

The next set of question are given below:

61. All dimensions as numeric dimensions, date dimensions, string dimensions or boolean dimensions can be either discrete or continuous

a) True
b) False

62. Tableau automatically assigns a field containing dates to the _______ area of the Data Pane

a) Parameters
b) Sets
c) Measures
d) Dimensions

63. A Date field can be treated as Discrete or Continuous in Tableau

a) True
b) False

64. It is possible to convert measures from Discrete to Continuous but not the other way around

a) True
b) False

65. It is not possible to convert a Dimension into a Measure. But it is possible to convert a Measure into a Dimension

a) True
b) False

66. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose all that apply)

a) Geographic roles once set cannot be reassigned
b) Geographic roles are assigned in Data Pane only
c) Geographic roles are easily assigned on a Dashboard tab
d) Geographic roles can appear under Dimensions and also under Measures

67. Which of the following statements are not true? (Choose all that apply)

a) It is possible to change the date format of a date field
b) It is not possible to create an alias for a date field
c) It is not possible to change the data type of a date field
d) A date field can be either discrete or continuous

68. Changes made in the Data Source tab are immediately reflected in the Sheet tab

a) True
b) False

69. It is possible to edit the underlying data in the data source in the Data Source tab

a) True
b) False

70. On the dialog box that opens up when Describe... is clicked, if there are fewer members belong to the Domain, then, they are shown by default and Load button is disabled

a) True
b) False

71. Which is a not a valid default property on a field?

a) Shape
b) Number Format
c) Size
d) Fiscal Year Start

72. It is possible to check if a data type inferred by Tableau has been altered

a) True
b) False

73. It is possible to set a default sort order for values in a Dimension

a) True
b) False

74. = sign before a field icon means: (Choose all that apply)

a) It is a user defined field
b) It is a slice in a multidimensional cube
c) It is a calculated field
d) It is a duplicate

75. Default properties that are common to both dimensions and measures are: (Choose all that apply)

a) Comment
b) Number Format
c) Shape
d) Color

Answers in later posts ...

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Arduino - IX

The last article saw us sending SMS (Short Message Service) from a Arduino GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) Shield integrated kit. In the present post, we will try to control a LED and fetch the temperature by using SMS

We will be using the same setup comprising SIM800 with a SIM card that we used in the earlier post. But, with the addition of a LED and LM35 sensor. The communication between Arduino and the GSM Shield will be the Rx, Tx and Ground on Arduino to Tx, Rx and Ground on GSM Shield, respectively, as is shown below for reference:

The code is shown below:

When we send a SMS with message 'x', LED lights up as shown below:

When next a SMS with message 'y' is sent, LED is powered off. When a SMS with message 'z' is sent, we get the temperature from LM35 as shown below:

This concludes the post on controlling LED and fetching sensor data using Arduino SIM800 integration

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Arduino - VIII

After the last article on the integration of  GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) Shield with Arduino, we extend the discussion in this post to looking at sending SMS (Short Message Service) from our integrated setup

We will be using the same setup comprising SIM800 with a SIM card that we used in the earlier post. The communication between Arduino and the GSM Shield will be the Rx, Tx and Ground on Arduino to Tx, Rx and Ground on GSM Shield, respectively, as is shown below for reference:

The code is the same as the last article

First, we will send the SMS manually using the Arduino Serial Monitor using the following commands:

AT+CMGF=1          // Sets SMS system into text mode

AT+CMGS= "xxxxxxxxxx"  //Sets the destination number. No need to prefix with + or country code

Above command returns a prompt

Enter message and end with

First Message

This will send the message and you will get a success response as in steps show below:

Screenshot from mobile is shown below:

We can also send the SMS programmatically. The code is shown below:

Screenshot from mobile is shown below:

In this post we have sent SMS through Serial Monitor and also programmatically. This concludes the post on sending SMS using GSM Shield

Friday, 25 January 2019

Tableau - IV

The sample questions in this post and following posts in this series are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist credential that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. These questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

Answers to previous post are given below:

31. a,b
32. a,b
33. a,b,c,d
34. a
35. b
36. a
37. b
38. a,b,c,f
39. b
40. a
41. b
42. a,b,d,e
43. a
44. a
45. c

We continue with the next set of questions on Tableau in this post

46. Pie charts are best suited visualizations when:

a) there are a large number of slices
b) there is a large amount of data
c) there is a need to show a trend in data
d) there are fewer wedges

47. Based on the selection of dimensions and measures in Rows Shelf and Columns Shelf, it is possible to change the default visualization shown using the the Show Me on the tool bar

a) True
b) False

48. Maps are ideal visualizations to show:

a) Numerical data
b) Geocoded data
c) Aggregate data
d) Historical data

49. Maps, by themselves, are complete visualizations. It is not possible to overlay maps with Marks

a) True
b) False

50. Histograms are useful when:

a) comparing data across two or more categories
b) relating different segments of data to the complete data set
c) trying to understand distribution of data
d) showing the start and end dates of a process

51. The visualization appropriate for showing correlation between two variables is:

a) Pie Chart
b) Scatter Plot
c) Bullet Chart
d) Candlestick Chart

52. If one wishes to view data trends over time, one should use:

a) Bar Chart
b) Word Cloud
c) Treemap
d) Line Chart

53. If we wish to compare trends of two measures on different scales over the same dimension, we can use:

a) Dual Axis Chart
b) Pie Chart
c) Box-and-whisker Plot
d) Bullet Chart

54. Pareto Charts contain: (Choose all that qualify)

a) Wedge
b) Line
c) Bar
d) Whisker

55. Which of the following are variants of bar chart? (Choose all that qualify)

a) Stacked
b) Side-by-side
c) Grouped
d) Stacked Side-by-side

56. Cross Tabulation is synonymous with: (Choose all that qualify)

a) Text table
b) State table
c) Pivot table
d) Cross-tab

57. A Highlight table can be seen as an enhancement of: (Choose all that qualify)

a) Text table
b) Waterfall Chart
c) Lift Chart
d) Heatmap

58. With the help of Pages Shelf, we can split a view into a number of pages based on a specific field

a) True
b) False

59. The default mark type selected by Tableau for a newly created view is called Automatic:

a) True
b) False

60. Area chart is basically a:

a) Bump chart
b) Scatterplot
c) Waterfall Chart
d) Line chart

Answers in later posts ...

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Tableau - III

The questions in this article and following posts are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist credential that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. These questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

We continue with the next set of questions on Tableau in this post.

Answers to previous post are given below:

16. c
17. a,b,d
18. b
19. b
20. a,b,c,d
21. a
22. a,b,c,e
23. a
24. b
25. c
26. e
27. a,b,c,d
28. a
29. a,c,d,e
30. b,d

For all the questions below, we will be using TableauDesktop-64bit-2018-3-2 or Tableau Public 2018.3.0

The next set of questions are:

31. Where in Tableau can you change the data type of a field? (Choose all that qualify)

a) on Data Source tab
b) on Sheet tab
c) on Dashboard tab
d) on Story tab

32. Where in Tableau can you rename a field? (Choose all that qualify)

a) on Data Source tab
b) on Sheet tab
c) on Dashboard tab
d) on Story tab

33. Which is not a valid geographical role in Tableau? (Choose all that qualify)

a) Zone
b) Territory
c) Nation
d) Prefecture

34. It is possible to change the data type of Number (whole) to Number (decimal) without any loss of data

a) True
b) False

35. It is possible to change the data type of Number (decimal) to Number (whole) without any loss of data

a) True
b) False

36. Where in Tableau can you perform joins or unions?

a) on Data Source tab
b) on Sheet tab
c) on Dashboard tab
d) on Story tab

37. Where in Tableau can you perform blending?

a) on Data Source tab
b) on Sheet tab
c) on Dashboard tab
d) on Story tab

38. What are the different types of joins shown in Join window in Tableau? (Choose all that qualify)

a) Inner
b) Left
c) Right
d) Equijoin
e) Cross
f) Full Outer

39. Which is not a valid operator when setting up joins in Tableau?

a) >=
b) !=
c) <
d) =

40. It is possible to join on calculated fields in Tableau

a) True
b) False

41. It is not possible to filter the data on Data Source tab in Tableau. So, data must be filtered before import into Tableau

a) True
b) False

42. Which of the following are valid operations on Data Source tab? (Choose all that qualify)

a) Merge Mismatched Fields
b) Pivot
c) Create Set...
d) Create Group...
e) Create Bins...

43. It is possible to perform cross-database joins in Tableau

a) True
b) False

44. Data from different data sources can be combined either by cross-database joins or blending. The difference between the two is that data is joined at the row level in cross-database join while in blending separate queries are sent to data sources and the results fetched from these queries are aggregated to a common level in Tableau

a) True
b) False

45. It is possible to change the relationship set up automatically by Tableau when blending is performed

a) using Data -> Edit Data Source Filters... on Data Source tab
b) using Data -> Replace Data Source... on Sheet tab
c) using Data -> Edit Relationships... on Sheet tab
d) setting the correct join relationship in Data Source tab

Answers in later posts ...

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Arduino - VII

After the last post on Arduino where we added the time element to Serial output, it is time to take a look at GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)  Shield in conjunction with Arduino Uno. We will be using SIM800 for all the work in this post

There is minimal effort in setting up the circuit. The communication between Arduino and the GSM Shield will be the Rx, Tx and Ground on Arduino to Tx, Rx and Ground on GSM Shield, respectively, as is shown below:

Note that GSM Shield should have the SIM card. The code is shown below:

We can start the monitor on Arduino and pass the following commands:






The output is shown below:

AT is used to check if the GSM Shield is online.

AT+GMI returns manufacturer details

AT+GMM returns the model details

A/ returns results of last command

AT&V returns current configuration details

This concludes this brief post

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Tableau - II

The questions in this article and following posts are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist credential that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. These questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

In the second segment on Tableau, we give the answers to questions in previous post and more questions follow

Solutions to questions in last post are given below:

1. a,b,c,d
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. a,b,c,d
7. d
8. a
9. a,d,f
10. c,d
11. a,b,c,d
12. c
13. a,c,d
14. a,c
15. a

For all the questions below, we will be using TableauDesktop-64bit-2018-3-2 or Tableau Public 2018.3.0

The second set of questions are:

16. Which type of data connection is best suited for visualizations that will help users make decisions based on real time data?

a) An extract
b) Extracts taken every week
c) A live connection
d) A snapshot taken every month

17. Rendering of visualizations based on live data connection can be impacted by (Choose all that apply):

a) Number of concurrent users accessing the data
b) Network bandwidth
c) Other visualizations based on extracts without refresh
d) Complexity of SQL issued against data connection

18. The default maximum levels of row labels and columns labels are _ and _, respectively. Fill in the correct values

a) 16 and 16
b) 6 and 6
c) 32 and 32
d) 10 and 10

19. When you import files like Excel into Tableau, Data Interpreter is turned on by Tableau

a) True
b) False

20. Data Interpreter helps in fetching valid data from files. Which of the following are ignored by Data Interpreter (Choose all that apply):

a) Title notes
b) Empty rows
c) Titles
d)  Foot notes

21) "Review the results" feature gives the user the option to verify the results of Data Interpreter functionality and decide whether to use the Data Interpreter

a) True
b) False

22) Data Interpreter can be used for following types of files (Choose all that qualify):

a) .pdf files
b) .csv files
c) Excel files
d) .rtf files
e) Google Sheets

23) Irrespective of the different types of files for which Data Interpreter is applicable, "Review the results" will always result in a .xlsx review file that contains Tableau's interpretation of data

a) True
b) False

24) The extra sheet that is added in the review file as a result of using Data Interpreter is called:

a) Data Interpreter Key
b) Key for the Data Interpreter
c) Review Results Key
d) Key for Results Review

25) In the Review file, if a field has green background, then, it means that Tableau has interpreted that field as:

a) Column header
b) Ignored data
c) Values
d) Excluded data

26) Ordinal property in a .tds file identifies the:

a) data type
b) source type
c) column name
d) column type
e) column number

27) Which of the following statements are true (Choose all that apply):

a) .tds and .tdsx files have all the information about the data source
b) .tdsx file contains a copy of the data
c) .tds file contains join details of the columns used in Worksheet
d) For the same data source, .tdsx file is larger than .tds file

28) The process to create a .tds or a .tdsx file is the same and differs only in selection of file type while saving the file

a) True
b) False

29) A .tdsx file contains information on (Choose all that apply):

a) union
b) blending
c) column names
d) column types
e) calculated fields

30) Which of the following statements are true (Choose all that apply):

a) Both .tds and .tdsx are zipped files
b) Both .tds and .tdsx files can be shared among Tableau users
c) Both .tds and .tdsx files can be opened in Tableau Public
d) Both .tds and .tdsx files can hold database connection information as port, etc

Answers in next post

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Tableau - I

In the first post in 2019, we start with sample questions for Tableau Certification. The questions in this article and following posts are oriented more towards Desktop Specialist credential that is the first of the Tableau Desktop Exams series. These questions may be helpful for preparation for other Tableau Certification Exams as well

1) Which of the following field roles are valid in Tableau? (Choose all that qualify)

a) Discrete Dimensions
b) Discrete Measures
c) Continuous Measures
d) Continuous Dimensions

2) Which are correct colors representations for field types in Tableau?

a) Discrete fields are blue and Continuous fields are blue
b) Discrete fields are green and Continuous fields are green
c) Discrete fields are blue and Continuous fields are green
d) Discrete fields are green and Continuous fields are blue

3) In Tableau, when a measure is added to a sheet, it is aggregated by default

a) True
b) False

4) Which is not a predefined aggregation in Tableau?

a) Mode
b) Variance
c) Std. Dev (Pop.)
d) Maximum
e) Attribute

5) Which is not a Tableau Product?

a) Tableau Prep
b) Tableau Cloud
c) Tableau Desktop
d) Tableau Server

6) One can interact with Tableau using (Choose all that qualify)

a) a laptop
b) a mobile
c) an application in which Tableau is embedded
d) a tablet

7) For organizations, which is not a correct licensing option:

a) Tableau Creator
b) Tableau Explorer
c) Tableau Viewer
d) Tableau Organizer

8) For individual users, which is the only licensing option:

a) Tableau Creator
b) Tableau Explorer
c) Tableau Viewer
d) Tableau Organizer

9) Which of the following are correct Tableau data types (Choose all that qualify):

a) Date & Time
b) Number (integer)
c) Time
d) Date
e) Character
f) Boolean
g) Compound

10) Data from different databases can be combined in the following ways (Choose all that qualify):

a) Join
b) Union
c) Data blending
d) Cross-database join

11) A workbook comprises (Choose all that qualify):

a) Dashboards
b) Views
c) Worksheets
d) Stories
e) Workbooks

12) Typically, the order of building different elements in Tableau is:

a) Dashboards, Worksheets, Stories
b) Stories, Dashboards, Worksheets
c) Worksheets, Dashboards, Stories
d) Worksheets, Stories, Dashboards

13) Different techniques of combining data in Tableau are (Choose all that qualify):

a) Blending
b) Merging
c) Union
d) Join

14) It is possible to pull data into Tableau from (Choose all that qualify):

a) Clipboard
b) .jpg files
c) .pdf files
d) .png files

15) Under the hood, Tableau creates temporary tables to complete cross-database join operations

a) Yes
b) No

Solutions will be given in next post